One thing that happens to all of us, just like taxes, is we will die one day
BUT how others remember us or how we are interred varies greatly.
The Ga people of Ghana are fond of coffins that relate to a person’s interests- I’ve seen fish, crabs, coco cola bottles, pens, hammers and more
In Romania’s north you will find the Merry Cemetery, bright and colourful, ask for translations for what is written on the crosses and you will find quite frank revelations about the deceased’s antics.
Indian rulers certainly liked to make a splash with gigantic mausoleums – think Taj Mahal, Humayan’s Tomb in Delhi.
The British Raj also went for grand- The Park Street Cemetery in Kolkata is full of fanciful and ornate tombs. Kolkata is also probably the patina capital of the world; the weathered and grunge surfaces are fascinating.
Andalusia in Spain we visit the Crypt where Isabella and Ferdinand where they were entombed after Reclaiming Granada, in Morocco you will see the occasional Mirabo [Sufi Saint’s Tomb perched on a mountain] a small white room with a dome on top
In Vietnam the funeral is multistage, an alter to venerate the Ancestors is part of most homes and tombs are placed in places where the energies are balanced, often fields.

Want to check out some interesting graves- we’re your people 😊

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