Discover the vibrant and exotic flavours of Vietnamese cuisine.

Waking up to rain and cold today was a bit daunting, especially after yesterday’s sunshine and promises of spring. The grey skies and driving rain made it hard to leave the warmth of my bed. Today warmth and tastes of Vietnam popped into my head. I’m warmed by memories of Vietnam’s vibrant flavours and sunshine. The mere thought of the bustling markets, aromatic street food, and the hospitality of the locals brings a smile to my face.

Travel allows us to savour the moment and creates memories to cherish later.

Whether it’s the sunshine and flavours filling the gap on a cold day, the beautiful blue tiles and skies of Uzbekistan brightening a hidden sun, or the vibrant colours of an Indian market counteracting dull days, these memories bring joy.

Each place I’ve visited has left a bright mark on my heart, and the experiences have become a treasure trove of happy thoughts that I can tap into whenever I need a pick-me-up.

Hanoi Street food- a favourite

Vietnam, with its rich culinary heritage, stands out vividly in my mind. The delicate balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavours in dishes like pho, banh mi, and fresh spring rolls is a testament to the country’s gastronomic genius.

I recall wandering through the narrow streets of Hanoi, following my nose to a little street vendor selling the most delicious banh xeo – crispy Vietnamese pancakes filled with shrimp, pork, and bean sprouts. The joy of sitting on a tiny plastic stool, savouring each bite while the world buzzed around me, always makes me smile.

Today, as I look out the window at the rain-soaked garden, I find solace in recreating some of those delicious Vietnamese dishes at home. The act of cooking itself is therapeutic, and the vibrant flavours transport me back to those sunlit days in Vietnam. Fresh herbs like coriander and mint, the zing of lime, and the heat from chili peppers infuse my kitchen with the essence of Vietnam. Winter here, no coriander but I have the other flavours to brighten a lunch salad- yum!

It’s amazing how food has the power to evoke such strong memories and emotions. Travel isn’t just about visiting new places. It’s about immersing oneself in the culture, connecting with people, and bringing a piece of that experience back home. Whether it’s the comforting flavours of a Vietnamese spring rolls – I have not met a spring roll I didn’t enjoy in Vietnam! The mesmerizing patterns of Uzbek tiles, or the lively chaos of an Indian market, these moments stay with us, brightening our days long after the journey has ended.

A home-cooked meal can transport you far away.

Today, I’m embracing the bright flavours of fresh, home-cooked meals and the warmth of Vietnam. As I savour each bite, I’m reminded that even on the coldest, rainiest days, we can find warmth and sunshine in our memories and in the food we love.

Discover the vibrant and exotic flavours of Vietnamese cuisine- take the memories home to fuel your kitchen creativity.

1. Vietnamese peanut and cucumber salad
2. When serving rice, you must always give 3 scoops
3. Street food – Hanoi – West Lake shrimp cakes

4. Fresh produce sold by Flower Hmong women at Bac Ha
5. Yum! Vietnamese Pancakes
6. delightful dragonfruit

Looking forward to March– deliciousness ahead.
Join us for great tastes and textiles.