Everything has its season.

October starts the best time to see tigers in Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan. The Park management and local community support has lead to this park flourishing, tiger numbers increasing and sightings happen quite regularly.
An excellent tiger adventure.

Elephants are happy to be fed all day and everyday, a cuddle to go with it is even better. Due to the ease they can catch a chill the government has been a decree those in Rajasthan can only bath during the hot months- March to September. They have a washing season, I would never have imagines that.

The Sundabans in Bengal are the largest mangrove swamp in the world and home to The Royal Bengal Tiger, unlike the tigers of the rest of India these ones have a fierce reputation as man-eaters.
We visit from a boat and cruise the waterways. I admit the picture of the Bengal Tiger is from a poster in our hotel- Most Wanted.
We have only seen foot prints in the mud a few times, once was up a narrow creek and the speed with which the ranger instructed the boat to move along suggested we were close.

We have seen otters frolicking on the banks- I could see them but my camera couldn’t hence the photo of the fancy camera view finder.
The Sundabans are rich in crocodile and many beautiful birds are always in season.

Travel somewhere season – everyday 😊

Bengal- Kantha, Khadi and Tigers

Rajasthan- A Tactile Textile Tour

Check our calendar for dates and details.