A tunnel between Morocco and Spain,

Apparently it has been a thought for 40 years and it is being brought forward to be explored again.

I love the way our tour “Moorish Delights of Andalusia and Morocco” connects via the ferry from Tarifa to Tangiers, I wonder if that will be an option is a tunnel is built?

We have the bright lights of Andalusia filling our eyes as we gaze out and see Africa and Morocco across the Straits of Gibraltar in all their beautiful purple tones, for the first time.

Catching the ferry, hanging over the sides to watch the whirlpools that form as the Atlantic and Mediterranean meet, and we move closer to Morocco is magical.

Change is a constant in our world and magic is always there, finding ways to embrace the flow will enhance our experiences. I wonder how this journey will evolve?

Check our calendar for dates and details.