Book Textiles Traditions of North Vietnam Tour 2025

Booking information

I know you don’t have all the details yet, please fill in what you can and return the booking form – we will then send you a link with payment details for the deposit.

When you need to add details send us a message [ there is also a tab at bottom right of all webpages]

or email

Please take time to read the small print page on the website, sending a deposit constitutes your agreement with the tour conditions.

Itinerary Vietnam Textile Tour

Triple Treat Bonus.

Don’t forget to check the box on the bottom of the form to if this is your Third Tour and receive AUD $300 in appreciation of your repeat travels.

I know it seems a silly question- but the form comes to me without a label... answering yes- adds the label to my message. Thank you for your help.

Book Textile Traditions of Vietnam's North 2025

Fill in what you can to start your booking. Email us to update details as they come to hand. Or use the Contact Form at bottom left of every webpage.

We try to accommodate all our guests- we offer a wide range of local cuisine, any dietary restrictions good to discuss to see we can accommodate for you.