Our Mission

Our mission, should you choose to join us, is to embark on a fun-filled adventure to some of the world’s most interesting and beautiful places. By choosing how we travel and where we go, we can contribute positively to our world.

We aim to make this journey effortless for you by handling all the trip details and nurturing your sense of adventure, allowing you to uncover the hidden secrets of our destinations.

Our goal is to forge local connections through interactions with artisans and local businesses. By taking the time to observe, interact with, and perhaps sketch everyday life in new and fascinating locations, we develop an appreciation for our shared humanity—recognizing how we are all essentially the same, yet uniquely different.

Why should you do this? What is the advantage for you?

George Moore offers a clue: “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” By supporting local economies, you not only do good for others but also enrich yourself. Travel helps you learn more about who you are, what you have, and where you come from. Taking time out grants a perspective that is difficult to attain from home.

Our world is vast and beautiful, and developing an appreciation for its nuances fosters connections and care. This experience is not only enriching for us but beneficial for the world as a whole.

Interestingly, while the largest industry in the world is armaments and war, the second largest is travel.

Think about all the people we touch in some way as we travel. While there is big business in airlines and large hotels, we choose to make our itineraries locally centred as much as possible, primarily focusing on the developing world. This helps boost the local economy and benefits many small enterprises and people.

Local choices

We prefer family-run hotels, riads, havelis, and palaces whenever possible. We partner with locally owned support companies that manage transport and translators. Seeking out good examples of local cuisine leads us to the best restaurants where locals enjoy the food, and many home-cooked meals where supplies come from nearby farms.

The fun of using tuk-tuks, rickshaws, canoes, camel carts, and similar modes of transport is that we meet locals, often have interesting chats, and support microbusiness owners.

Artisan workshop visits, home cooked meals and all thing local

Making the effort to forge connections means we meet the maker, buy at a fair price, and take home much more than just a souvenir. We carry with us a connection and a story that makes it truly special.

Take time for yourself to smell the roses

Our calendar is brimming with opportunities to chase the roses and enjoy many other travel treats.

We have years of connections and research check our blog for some stories.