Day 10 Drawing

I do draw a lot,

I draw up lists for the workshop @the_stitching_project to keep it all moving along, it took a lot of time, but we have a system and so everything moves along when I am away on tour or now based in Australia.

I use a sewing machine to draw

I draw up designs to be turned into block prints

I draw up to do lists for tours once I have sketched the outline of our itinerary….

The pencil and paint type of drawing on paper I theoretically do much more often than I put pencil to paper, this question

  1. Sewing machine drawing

2&3 drawings turned into wooden blocks and printed

4 sketches of Black Hmong embroidery trying to get me Had around where to stitch made during a stitch workshop [Tour Textile Traditions of Vietnam’s North]

5 the tiles of Alhambra- so beautiful and I have been a gunna use them as a quilt inspiration for ever 😊 [ Tour Moorish Delights of Andalusia and Morocco ]

6. a tour devoted to sketching…. Fun times [ Travel Sketching- Vietnam with Leonie Norton ]

Check our calendar for dates and details.