So, how was Uzbekistan?



  • Great travel companions, the attitude a participant travels with has a big impact on their journey and group ambience. We had a fab time…. only silence was the day we did a minature painting class…. 😊
  • Our hosts, along the way, were so kind. Uzbek hospitality is generous and taken very seriously.
Mrs Alternay had a workshop all ready for us in felt making.

Felt slippers and boots are a serious undertaking. Quality is very important,  frozen winters mean thickness of the finish is a toe or no toe situation.

No one wants frostbite!

Due to a small change of plans, we arrived a little later than planned. She had morning tea ready, and we could not be allowed to skip on it before we got down to serious felt making.

I got distracted with food…. Uzbekistan impressions.
  • Workshops were all organized with care by our many hosts. Not all in this group were big stitchers , yet there was plenty to look at, and our textile people made some great stuff. We have a WhatsApp group, so we are sharing updates on progress.
  • I get a bee in my bonnet, do the research, do the walk through to put everything in place….. and fall in love with the place somewhere during the process…. Creative Arts Safaris is all about sharing THE LOVE. Why go somewhere you don’t have a huge enthusiasm for? It is so pleasing when the location and the preparations to share it are enjoyed and appreciated.
  • Uzbekistan is amazing. So beautiful,  so varied from fertile riverside oasis to desert to snow capped mountains
  • Uzbek people are a lesson in inclusion. The country is a happy combination of so many ethnic origins, so many languages. We can’t have the same translator all the way because we would need someone with at least 5 languages under their belt. Everyone is Uzbek, though, all equal and part of a country that is thriving.
  • Point to brag about. Some guy offered to let us climb to the top of the crooked Minaret- it is on the Madrassa Ulugbek built in 1417-20…. we said yes! and after lots of panting poked my head out the little hole in the roof! What a view.

Can’t wait to visit again next year.

This would also be a fantastic location for a travel Sketching Tour- plots and plans 😘

Plans are already underway for our next Uzbekistan Craft and Textile Tour. Check our calendar for dates and details.

Contact us to go on THE LIST

Creative Arts Safaris offers craft, textile and travel sketching tours to exotic locations.

We offer fully escorted small group tours and travelling workshops with respected tutors.

On tour we like to get our hands dirty taking workshops, exploring locations and culture. We include lots of local experiences as well as visiting iconic sites.

Crafts, travel sketching and textiles are our passion.

Our friendly groups are inclusive. They are companionable and well organized allowing a relaxed adventure, great for solo travellers.

They include pickup & drop to airport, accommodation, group travel, sightseeing, workshops, and most meals. Almost everything EXCEPT the shopping – that is your job. Help the local economy.