I have been gathering little bits of vintage Vietnamese stitching for years, I say gathering rather than buying because I never set out wanting to buy anything.

BUT it is a great way of “helping the local economy” especially when I am dealing directly with the person who will benefit from my spending.

So… I have all these fine examples of traditional work,

I hate the idea of them being consigned to a cupboard and forgotten, with that in mind I appliqued a strip of Blue H’mong batik/patchwork/embroidery onto a pair of pants- they are a great teaching aid when talking about building complexity from simple elements and the strips are so loved they are now attached to their third pair of pants.

I still have a whole heap of other bits and pieces and the idea of some type of book started years ago, really years!

Proud to say it is taking shape with samples from the people I most often encounter on my travels.

I think a book will be a pleasant way to share these treasures, I don’t have enough wall space for another hanging.

A book also screams touch me, feel me, swoon over me…. OK – I am a bit keen on textiles.

Taking the time to stitch these pieces in my book I have actually learnt a whole lot more of their construction and in my mind their swoonability has increased, the richness of the work is wonderful.

It is an idea I am going to pursue further- a whole library looms.

I have started the pages for Morocco….I am not clear yet but think it will be more a series of postcards compiled into a cloth book…sometimes you just have to start something and see where it leads you.

I have pieces to work on for Gujarat…. Rajasthan I could create a whole library not just a book…..

Romania I made a little pouch out of cloth I embroidered – not on the correct scale, I admit but I couldn’t see well enough to get that right.

Ghana I need to come up with something with beads as well as cloth- the wealth of vibrant crafts there are bold.

All this just pushes me to be more creative in presentation, I guess.

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