The Fabric Stash

Use it up?

Buy more, just for a raining day?

I have been going through my fabric stash…. wondering what I want to buy on my next trip to Vietnam and what I can make with what I already have.

There is a name for that, isn’t there?
Textile Addict?
How much fabric is too much??
Answer- gasp, go wash your mouth out!!.

@gilliantravis, what do you say? You always find the best places and bargains in fabric, and you seem to put it all to good use.
What will you get when we are wandering the fabric markets next March?
The women at the workshop we will call home are ready. With the help of our interpreter and Google Translate, we can have a good old gasbag as we stitch.

“Travel to Quilt-Vietnam ” with Gillian Travis as tutor in March 2024

Check our calendar for dates and details.

At Creative Arts Safaris Tours we offer fully escorted, small group tours. CAS focuses on textiles, arts and culture and yummy local cuisine.

On tour we like to get our hands dirty taking workshops, exploring locations and culture. We like to include lots of local experiences.

Our friendly groups are inclusive. They are companionable and well organized allowing a relaxed adventure, great for solo travellers.

They include pickup & drop to airport, accommodation, group travel, sightseeing, workshops, and most meals. Almost everything EXCEPT the shopping – that is your job. Help the local economy.