The Savitsky Collection

Far, far away in the Stan within a Stan you will find the most amazing surprise.

The Nukus Museum of Art houses the Savitsky collection of Russian avant-garde art.
I must admit I was expecting Russian posters to inspire the proletariat….. I presumed.

I knew the story, Savitsky had collected and hidden these pieces out here in the remote place because they were banned after the Revolution.

I was expecting a collection that critqued the Regime or depicted its horrors.

What a surprise.

They were banned for their Beauty.

This is a wonderful museum for its archaeological ethnographic collections and then,
And then there are the paintings.

They glow, with a rare beauty.

What a place to visit, it will warm your heart for many years.

Uzbekistan is home to many and varied treasures.
Visiting April 2024. Check our calendar for dates and details.

Stories from travels