Travel Journal- Vietnam

Travel journals are a perfect way to catch your travel memories

Come for a wander….
we’ll cross green rice paddies….
meander through village markets
and whirl through the hustle and bustle of Hanoi.

“Vietnam- Create a Travel Journal” with tutor @jobeal4 is a journey to take time to experience local places and culture and capture your memories in a travel journal.

Each day, time is set aside for workshopping with Jo, exploring a range of approaches and techniques. There is time each dayto work on your travel journal as the journey unfolds.

Jo is an accomplished artist and teacher and works extensively with groups in the UK. Jo focuses on nature art walks, creative art journaling, mapping and artistic development both en pein air and in the studio. Watching Jo work on her Travel Journals was the inspiration for this collaboration.

We are heading to Vietnam in March 2024- Join us.

Travel sketching

is a collection of images in a book, we hope Travel Journaling will have so much more. As you immerse yourself in a location there is so much you pick up. Let’s look for creative ways to capture some of these impressions.

Additions you might enjoy.

Making maps to plot your journey or day or how to make a delicious meal….

Rubbings to catch surfaces of the places- what else could create such a close link to being there?

Look around you- a sounds / sensory/smell impression might be fun.

Sitting at dinner and quick portraits can be a hoot. Good practice for or wandering a market and catching local costumes and interactions.

There are so many ways to catch a location and your experiences of it. This is just a starter we’re sure you will find many ways to make these ideas and suggestions your own. To create your unique Travel Journal.

Check our calendar for dates and details.