Osh!- oh my gosh- Yum

Life is full of choices.
Visiting Uzbekistan and reading up on it first it seemed there was a lot of a very few dishes.
Arriving and looking around, I might be forgiven for thinking the same thing, then starting to travel and sample all the delicious food I realised how much choice there was.
and so YUM!! Even if all this variety did come in a general types.
So plov or as I saw it more often called OSH [ osh! oh my gosh- yum] is a national obsession.
You meet in the morning and the first enquiry is if you will have Osh for lunch, second where and then you book in.
Osh is only cooked for lunch and served from 12 until it runs out… maybe 1.30 at the latest…
It is rich and quite different where ever you are across the country. In Fergana Valley they like a bit of chill, Samarkand there is a side of wild local onions and it goes on….
I asked a new mate in Kokand how often did he eat Osh, it seemed like a lot.
He said – not that often then listed how often he had had it in the last week- only 5 times out of the last 7 days!
Hmmm it never felt like repeats. The osh, the noodle stews, the samsa and the bread where all distinctly different from place to place and so tasty.
Fresh produce, great care in cooking and tasty- great cuisine.

Come dine with us in Uzbekistan in April

Lots of textiles and amazing places to walk off those meals 😜

At Creative Arts Safaris Tours we offer fully escorted, small group tours. CAS focuses on textiles, crafts, arts and culture and yummy local cuisine.

On tour we like to get our hands dirty taking workshops, exploring locations and culture. We like to include lots of local experiences. Textiles and crafts are our passion.

Our friendly groups are inclusive. They are companionable and well organized allowing a relaxed adventure, great for solo travellers.

They include pickup & drop to airport, accommodation, group travel, sightseeing, workshops, and most meals. Almost everything EXCEPT the shopping – that is your job. Help the local economy.