
I am Fiona Wright and had a thing for textiles and making ever since I can remember. My earliest memories centre around my Great grandmother’s table, afternoon tea and she, my grandmother, mother and me, everyone with work in their hands.

Made my own clothes since a teenager, my kids clothes and most household stuff.

25/ 30 years ago became interested in the idea of art quilts, did a Masters degree based around my textile work,

2003 I had a bit of a freak out, realising my kids were growing up and I needed to get a life, not just be Mum.

Spur of the moment I got a passport and ticket and went to India.

Wow life changing… textile culture is so rich and diverse and addictive. 😀

I went on to exhibit regularly, and teach all around the globe.

People wanted to poke around India like I did getting their hands dirty and so I started taking people with me and Creative Arts Safaris was born.

Eventually I joined my partner Praveen in India and we started @the_stitching_project training women and making slow textiles, all hand made.

My passion is textiles, the touch, the myriad of ways they are created and the cultures they arise from. #CreativeArtsSafaris allows me to delve in this daily.