Monsoon continues,
this year, first in about 10 years it does not want to stop weeping…. no sunshine seen for weeks.

SOOOOOOOO Humid I am moulding.

Lots of roads and builds washed out.
Hope we get sunshine soon so our farmers here in the desert can get a good crop happening.

Yep, not a wet weather person…. I love my desert, even the heat is better than humid.

Oh well this too will pass,
Wow isn’t the green amazing though?

Website building is just about done, been running around like a blue-arsed fly tweaking, adding stuff to google this and that places to try and get it firing.

Take a look for me- let me know about my typos…. Yep typo queen.
Been reading lots of other sites to see how things are pitched.

what is it with authentic? EVERYWHERE I see it. it means REAL…. I worry if I have to point out our tours are real, does it make me look like I am trying to pull a fast one? you know, me thinks he protests too much? type thing

What to say??

we research like crazy, we meet people we like and keep going back to them for years and years, we look after our guests and some of them come back to us many, many times and keep asking for more.

Quietly trying to make a list of guests and which tours they have been on. I suspect maximum tours has been 4 or 5. Does that mean we are authentic or our tours are?
Certainly real fun.

Grrr- weird speak and jargon gets to me.

OK please look at my website  Ulterior motive- the more people who go to our website, the better it will come up on search engines.

If you have been out and about with us- perhaps you would like to leave a review ?
pretty please

We have bought the little old place next door, needs a bit of fixing and we can start working on a library.!!!!!

Wow hard to believe after all these years.
trying to get all my workshop and tour obligations up to date so I can put energy into it.
Accountant already working on registration
looking for someone to employ to run things for me… library, spoken English, women’s issues? long list of possibilities.
exciting but OHH Goodness.