Preparations & Travel Tips

Travel Tips for craft, textile and travel sketching tours- we want to explore the world, soak up new cultures and learn about it and ourselves.

Travelling is a bit more work than a holiday where you sit still and relax.

Some days it can even resemble hard work!
What you get though, is a whole new look at the world and yourself.
The secret is to expect to be in for surprises of all kinds!

The world is an amazing place,
it is up to you if you enjoy it or not 

So be prepared to have fun- pack your patience and…

1. Bring your sense of humour- you’ll need it.

2. When you have piled up the minimum you need to take
THROW OUT half of it! 
The lighter you travel, the easier for you. 3 sets of clothes is enough- it can be done!

3. Sensible walking shoes are a must.

4. Grab a phrase book /Google translate on your phone these days does it all- even helps read the menu! – the locals probably still won’t understand you but will
appreciate the effort. You’ll have plenty of laughs.
5. You are going somewhere DIFFERENT, everything will be a bit different….
Get in the flow, try and work out how things work. If you want or expect it to be
like home- stay home [ read 1 again]
6. Be prepared to eat local food– part of the experience and much less likely to
get belly bugs. Some things just won’t be available and you’ll probably drive
yourself [ and others] crazy craving them…if it is that desperate take it with
7. Drink bottled water. Tap water anywhere can cause the ‘runs’ just because it is different to what your tummy is used to.

8. Drink lots of water

Travel dehydrates you – you might not notice it …but it will give you headaches and cause you to feel irritable. Watch yourself- minimum 2 litres of water a day. Dehydration is easy to happen. Dark coloured urine and lack of urine, headaches, aches and pains, upset stomach, weird thoughts are just some of the symptoms
9. Bring with you all medications you need [or might need] and something for stomach upsets, and travel sickness if your are prone to it. Menstruation products- pads available most places, tampons are not easy to come by.
10. Read, watch and ask others for every bit of information you can gleam on the
destination of your travels.
It will add to your experience there.
IGNORE the doom and gloom merchants who are just scare mongers- what do they know? [Read 1 again]
11. BOOKING YOUR FLIGHTS- look at arrival times and connections. Generally,
there is a range of airlines, prices are fairly similar but what you get in flights
is quite different. Buy travel insurance when you book your flights in case anything changes, you will be covered.

12. Always bring a printed copy of your ticket -even if it is an e-ticket. Mostly, a passport is used to check you in but Indian airports need to see your ticket to enter.
13. Shopping happens– start with a smaller bag and have a second softer bag
with you to expand into. A second bag is much easier than trying to wrangle one enormous bag.
14. Check out the local dress customs and try and respect them– you won’t stand
out like a sore thumb, less likely to be stared at in a rude way and locals are
more likely to talk to you.

15. The worst part about time changes is that your body clock does not adjust so
quickly, consequently you could experience constipation or the opposite until you adjust.
Drink plenty of water [lots really!] and you might think of taking a little 
something to help your intestines settle into the new routine.

16. Take with you the sense of wonder of a child and use it often.
No one knows you- allow yourself to oooh! and ahhh! as loudly and often as you like.

Remember enjoy yourself- the world and her people are amazing!

Is the glass half full or half empty?- you choose the way you view the world

One of the biggest secrets of happy travels is to

Drink more water!!

  • you
    dehydrate on the plane
  • Many places we travel to are much drier than back home.

signs of needing more water

  • headaches
  • tummy
    sort of upset
  • a bit
  • tired

Creative Arts Safaris offers craft, textile and travel sketching tours to exotic locations.

We offer fully escorted small group tours and travelling workshops with respected tutors.

On tour we like to get our hands dirty taking workshops, exploring locations and culture. We include lots of local experiences as well as visiting iconic sites.

Crafts, travel sketching and textiles are our passion.

Our friendly groups are inclusive. They are companionable and well organized allowing a relaxed adventure, great for solo travellers.

They include pickup & drop to airport, accommodation, group travel, sightseeing, workshops, and most meals. Almost everything EXCEPT the shopping – that is your job. Help the local economy.