I was wondering about the various differences in the cultures found in Romania.

My friend’s mother speaks Hungarian and actually her mother lived in Hungary up until the end of the first world war…. Although they lived in the same town vast areas of land changed hands and the Romanian state we see today came into being.

Questions and answers helped by internet searches inspired by observations when last travelling in Romania.

Cultural backgrounds in Romania

What is the main culture in Romania?

Romania is quite ethnically homogenous , with various sources estimating roughly 83-89% of the population are ethnic Romanian. According to the 2011 census, ethnic Hungarians are the largest minority ethnic group (6.5%), with the Roma community constituting the second largest (3.3%).

What is the language and culture of Romania?

The official language of Romania is Romanian, a Romance language with strong similarities to Italian. Romania also has quite a few minority languages, including Hungarian and Romani. There’s also a large Romanian diaspora, meaning that a lot of Romanian people live abroad.

What race are Romani?


The Romani, also spelled Romany or Romani -colloquially known as the Roma, are an Indo-Aryan ethnic group who traditionally lived a nomadic, itinerant lifestyle in Europe.

Borders of Romania

The southern part of Romania was occupied by The Dacian people were an ancient agrarian society that lived in the region of Dacia, which is located roughly in modern-day Romania. Contemporaries with the Ancient Greeks and Romans

Skilled farmers, artisans and warriors, the Dacians, ancient ancestors of the Romanians, lived in the territory of nowadays Romania, mainly in Transylvania. Their complex mythology transformed them into a famous civilization, mentioned by Herodotus and other famous historians of the time.


Contemporaries with the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Dacians, ancestors of today’s Romanians, were a civilization that excelled in agriculture and crafts. The Dacian’s belief in immortality has generated a complex mythology , comparable to the ancient Greek and Roman mythology, which has led, among other things, to be followers and great masters of natural medicine. Also, the werewolf myth started in the heart of Dacia, the Legend of the Great White Wolf being the first recorded mention of this fantastic character. The Dacians cult of the wolf (their totemic animal) was kept throughout their existence, placing a profound mark on their lifestyle and especially on their military strategy which made them the most powerful and respected adversary of the great Roman Empire; their resilience and bravery is immortalized on the famous Trajan’s Column in Rome. Thanks to Transylvanian World for this info

The precedents of Romania as an independent state can be traced back to the 14th century, when the principalities of Moldovia and Wallachia were founded. Wallachia during its history lost several portions of its territory, either to the Ottomans or the Habsburgs. However, this land would be later essentially recovered in its entirety.

We are travelling to Romania in May 2024